Tuesday, July 9, 2013

She's feeling 22!

Hey all! Hope your summer isn't letting you down! I recently turned 22 and I must say, I have the greatest group of friends and the best family. Seeing as 22 wasn't such a significant age, and my birthday landed on a Thursday I thought working would be the best for me. 
After working a full shift I came home to a fully decorated apartment (done by my amazing roomie Leeshy) and assorted snacks and booze for our expected guests later that evening. 
I was totally blown away by the efforts she put in and so grateful. Now, I only expected a few people to show up and celebrate with us. But I was taken back by the amount of people who came. I was so happy I couldn't contain the smile  on my face. (That was partially alcohol induced) but nonetheless it was a great time with great people. 
(The night of my birthday with Loren and Jaz)

That weekend I went to my home town to continue the festivities with my family and best friends /sisters. That was so much fun. Since going out on the town is just two much for us grannies to handle we made our way to a local bar and had a blast. It was such effortless fun. 
I am very blessed and humbled to be surrounded by the amazing people who full my life and make me a better person each day.
(From left: Jaz, Gabby, Me, Nelle and Jasie)

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Moved once again!

At the end of the month our lease ended and we decided to move. I now live in an awesome apartment. It takes the shape of an attic with the slanted ceilings and the open vaulted living room ceiling. It's pretty awesome here.

Tonight my roommate and I decided to make dinner!

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Gospel Cruise

My friend's mother sings in a gospel group and I was asked to shoot it. Now, this was last year sometime and I came across these files this past week. I picked a few of my favorites to share. :] Enjoy

Pce & Luv

Lets Play A Game

Lets play a quick game... A quick game of catch-up!
So i've been going through old shoots or just shots I've taken, and I have been either editing for the first time or re-editing them just to add a little something that might of been lacking. This first one is of my friend Nina. Enjoy :)

Dancing (in the studio)

Hey everyone!

I hope you all enjoyed your weekend. I'm hoping your weekend was as productive as mine was. :) Yesterday my friend Jazmyne asked me to take her headshots (again). So we spent the day snapping away as she danced and changed into a few cute outfits. Here are a few of my favorites. Enjoy!

This reminds me a bit of Debbie Allen

Check out the green eyes!


Happy Sunday

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

It's tea time.

This is what my tea told me today. :)

April is Poetry Month!

Good Morning!
April is National Poetry Month. I have taken the challenge of writing a poem each day this month. I wrote two yesterday. At the end of the week I will go through my list of poems and upload my favorites. This excites me because I do a lot of free writing but not a great deal of poetry. But I love to read poetry.

On a brighter side. It is finally beginning to feel like spring :) It's about time. I've been wearing my jean jacket  and loving not having to wear a puffy winter coat.

I'm gunna leave you all with a poem by Gwendolyn Brooks

The Crazy Woman
I shall not sing a May song.
A Kay song should be gay.
I'll wait until November
And song a song of gray.

I'll wait until November
That is the time for me.
I'll go out in the frosty dark
And sing most terribly.

And all the little people
Will stare at me and say,
"That is a Crazy Woman
Who would not sing in May."

Have great day!

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Competition Time

My little sister and her dance team have begun competing for the 2013 season. It saddens me deeply when I can't attend all of their competitions ):. But this past week I was able to do so because of Spring Break! I made it my mission to treck through the snow during a bad snow storm from Salem to the South Shore just so that I could then travel another hour and a half with my mom to her competition the next day.

Anywho! The girls did great! I am always so proud of them and here are a few pics of them getting ready and warming up. (There was no photography allowed when they were performing) :(

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Blizzard Nemo

Okay! So everyone in the New England Area can relate to the three days we spent stuck inside of the house thanks to Blizzard Nemo! Here are a few pictures that pretty much sum up what I did that whole weekend. I had the privilege to be stuck in the house with the amazingly funny Hannah and Lauren. What we did the whole time was, arts and crafts and drink... A LOT. You know living up our 20's, killing our livers. But in all fun, take a look and enjoy ;)
We were prepared in case the light went out

Marker Bowl

Painting and Drawing 

Coffee Ice Cubes put into a glass of Baileys :] NOM!

Pce & Luv

Painting With Light

I have realized this. Painting with light has to be the most outside of the box way of art I have ever made. (not sure if that makes sense.) But usually I shoot landscape and people the way we usually see them. I have never done something so abstract before. I've been having trouble accepting this. The fact that it is so different and cool I think scares me. Im so used to working with the light not against it. But none the less I a very satisfied with the work I have completed so far. I guess it shows that I can be versatile with my style of work. It will always be a Working Progress!

Pce &Love

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

C.E.S.A Clothespin Project

Last spring I helped out the NorthShore Clothespin Project. This project happens twice a year on campus (once in the fall and in the spring). What happens is students or residents of the North Shore fill out a T-Shirt standing up to domestic violence and rape. Some people share their stories and stories of others. Most of the T-Shirts are filled out anonymously. It is a very powerful day. Students and Faculty have to walk past and see the t-shirts. It brings a sense of hope to the campus. It can also get very emotional for victims and those who have been effected by domestic violence or violence of any kind. I just thought I'd share because this was something very inspirational and important to me. 

Pce & Lve


More Light Paintings

Hey! Here are some of the latest pictures I've taken, using my great friend Nina!!
The Poet's Companion 

This is my favorite. There is this emotion that the picture conveys, and the orange glow adds to it. 

I have no idea why I love this picture! It was a mistake and the head is cut off. But there is something that keeps drawing me back to this picture.. Comments? What do you think?

Queen For A Day

Dance Like No One is Watching